Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Books I Want To Reread

Today, I'm linking up with The Broke and the Bookish for their weekly feature Top Ten Tuesday. I haven't done one of these for a while, so it's nice to be getting back into it. Today's topic is Top Ten Books I Want To Reread. As I am not a frequent re-reader (as I often don't enjoy the book as much as the first time. I think it's because I know what is going to happen) I am going to do my Top Ten Books I Want To Reread in an ideal world (the ideal world being a world where I enjoy rereading).

All these books had some effect on me. Whether they got me into reading (divergent), out of a reading slump (Anna and the French Kiss), took me on a rollercoaster of feelings (Obsidian, Vampire Academy), made me cry (TFiOS, If I Stay, Where She Went), amazed me with its awesome conclusion (Clockwork Princess), got me to think (We Were Liars) or simply because I connected with it (Looking for Alibrandi), I would love to reread these books and experience those feelings again.

Are some of your books the same as mine? Let me know below


  1. Anna and the French Kiss is a fun re-read. I haven't read We Were Liars yet. My sister hated it but I've seen it on a couple of posts today so maybe I should give it a try.

    1. I would definitely recommend you read We Were Liars. I really want to re-read Anna and the French kiss but im worried it will ruin it for me (cause im not a huge re-reader person). Maybe I should give it a try

  2. Most of this list is currently on my TBR list, so I couldn't put them on my list to re-read... yet. A lot of people seem to really like Anna and the French Kiss. Maybe I should move it higher on my list.

    1. Anna and the French Kiss is one of my favourite books so I would recommend you read it :)

    This comment was actually just to let you know that I'm a BIG fan of your blog and so I tagged you in the Sisterhood of the World Blogger Award cause I think you'd be good at that!! You can find it here if you're interested in answering me uhh... quirky questions.. they're at the bottom: http://prescriptionfiction.blogspot.co.uk/2014/11/sisterhood-of-world-blogger-award.html

    1. Thanks for tagging me. I will answer your questions really soon :)

  4. I enjoyed reading The Fault in Our Stars too, but felt it was too sad to add to my list of books to reread... Here is my list for TTT this week: http://captivatedreader.blogspot.com/2014/11/top-ten-tuesday-top-ten-books-i-want-to.html

    1. I can see your point, It would be a very sad book to reread
