Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: Top 10 Blogging Confessions

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by the Broke and the Bookish and this weeks theme is Top 10 Blogging Confessions. So here is mine

1. I'm a huge library person and for that reason I don't own a lot of books. A huge part of the reason is how expensive they can be in Australia. $20-$30 for a book? I don't think so. Therefore I only buy books if a) the library doesn't have it b) I find a book really cheap c) It's just been released and I can't wait till my library gets it cause I must read it ASAP

2. It actually doesn't bother me if book covers don't match or what edition of a book I get or if the sizing doesn't match the other ones. As long as there is the story I paid for inside the cover, I don't really care

3. You'll most likely find me reading on my bed, in the night. I usually go to 'bed' early and read for another hour or so. I don't usually read in the day unless I must find out what happens in the book ASAP or if I'm super bored and the internet is getting boring

4. I prefer soft cover books over hard cover. I think its because of the price. I'm not spending double the price of a soft cover for a hard cover (expect in the case of The Fault in Our Stars but that was because it had John Green's signature inside of it)

5. I only got into reading last year and that was because of Divergent. Ever since then, I haven't stopped reading. I'm always reading something

6. I don't eat and read. I've tried before but it just didn't work. I wasn't focusing on what I was reading, instead I was focusing on what I was eating. So, I had to basically re-read what I had just read. And I kept worrying that I will dirty my book. So yeah, now it's either eat or read. I have to pick one (and sometimes it does get hard)

7. I'm a big fangirl. Like big. I sometimes get told to stop and calm down. If there is a romantic relationship that is developing (actually, its mainly romantic relationships) or something I'm there fangirling. And then when the book becomes a movie. Gosh, I will most likely have seen the trailer within the first few hours its released (in the afternoon if its a school day) and have watched it over and over again. And then when the movies released, I will have seen it within the week (I know, you would think I would have seen it the day it comes out, but sometimes its hard to get to the cinemas)

8. I started my blog after watching YouTube (or BookTube) videos of people reviewing books and I wanted to be part of that atmosphere. So, as I'm still in school I thought it would be more time efficient to start a blog instead

9. My biggest pet hate is when people critise what others are reading. Like why should you care? You're not reading it. Let me enjoy my book without feeling as though I'm being judged just because it's classified as YA. It's only YA because the protagonist is a young adult. Get over it. I don't care what you choose to read

10. I once read 7 books and 2 novellas (so 9 books) in about a week and a half (Delirium Trilogy and the novellas Alex and Hanna, The Fault in Our Stars, The Hunger Games Trilogy). I know for some of you, that may not be a lot, but that was massive for me as I don't get to read a lot cause of school work. And it helped that I was on school holidays at the time

Well, that was fun. Are some of your confessions the same as mine? Let me know below.

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  1. Great confessions! I'm glad that Divergent pulled you into reading. That books is fantastic!

  2. I love the library, too. Sad to hear that books are so expensive in Australia.

    Here are My Bloggish Confessions!

  3. Love your list :)
    I've always been a big reader, but it was only last year that I started reviewing - I wish I'd started sooner!
    Cora @ Tea Party Princess

  4. I LOVE the library. I've been going to the same one since i was four years old, i'm 16 now. All the librarians know me. I love the ambiance and the feeling of going to the library. I always feel like you can find books you might not be able to find in book stores

  5. I love the library and am constantly at it, even though I have quite a lot of my own books. Also, reading 9 books in a week?! That's really impressive! I'm not a very fast reader ._.

    Kyra @ Blog of a Bookaholic
    My TTT Post!

  6. I don't really read and eat either! I'm not messy per se, but I'm rather paranoid about having something on my hands and getting it on the book. >-< I'm strange! I also don't buy many books. I'd love to, but they're just so darn expensive and I have no money.
    Thanks for stopping by @ Notebook Sisters!
