Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: Top 10 Books On My Winter TBR List

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and The Bookish and this weeks theme is Top 10 Books on My Winter To Be Read List. The meme is actually titled Top 10 Books on my Summer TBR List, but living in Australia means that we don't get summer until the end of the year. So I'm changing it to winter. This list wasn't too hard to come up with as I have sort of already planned what I am going to be reading next. I hope I can get through most of these but I don't think that will happen as I have lots of exams in the next few months. But anyway, here is what I hope to read this winter

That's it for this weeks meme. Let me know what books you plan to read this season in the comments.

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  1. Some amazing books here. The Book Thief is one of my FAVES ever.

    1. Thats good. I look forward to reading and watching The Book Thief

  2. I'm looking forward to We Were Liars. Thanks for sharing your list of reads for the summer!

    Here's my Summer TBR list!

  3. I love Anna and the French Kiss. I always seem to find myself reading it around spring break for some reason. I tried the Maze Runner one time and I put it down, I think I might have just been in the wrong mood for it because it's very rare that I put down a book unfinished.

    My Summer TBR List

  4. Just one Day is WONDERFUL!! So is The Book Thief and Anna <3 Such great reads you've got ahead of you!!

    Nicole @ The Quiet Concert
