Sunday, 4 May 2014


PanicPanic by Lauren Oliver
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I quite enjoyed the novel 'Panic'. It was exactly the fast paced - action - with a touch of romance book that I was looking for to remind me of how much i enjoyed reading. Panic is a dangerous and life endangering game played by brave school seniors in a effort to win the prize jackpot at the end. We have two protagonists - Heather and Dodge - and each has their own reason for playing the game.

What I loved about the novel was that I felt as though I was able to connect with each of the characters and understand their motivations for entering the game, even if I didn't completely agree with them. I really loved Lauren Oliver's ability to hook me in from the start. The first chapter was basically the start of the game and I was always intrigued into what was going to happen next. I haven't come across a book in a while that gave me the urge to want to stay up the whole night to finish it.

Panic is told from alternating perspectives - Heather and Dodge - and I really enjoyed this. I loved how because of this, you were able to understand each of the characters backstories.

Although I did enjoy this book, some parts were predictable and some of the characters actions did annoy me at times. I didn't like how chapters would end abruptly right in the middle of an dramatic conversation or event and you wouldn't be able to tell until a few chapters later what had really happened after the chapter was cut.

However overall it was an enjoyable read and reminded me of why I love Lauren Oliver's books.

View all my reviews


  1. What book would you say this one is similar to...The Hunger Games?

    1. I would only compare it to the Hunger Games in a sense that there is a 'game'. They are two very different stories. eg. hunger games you are forced to play, Panic it is optional. The 'game' is also very different. This is a stand alone book so its at a faster pace.
